International Editorial Board

Prof. Karl Benziger (Rhode Island College Providence, Rhode Island, USA)
Dr. habil. PaedDr. Horváth Kinga, PhD. (Dean; J. Selye University Faculty of Education)
Dr. Kalmár Melinda (University of Szeged Department of Contemporary History, Szeged, Hungary)
Dr. Yuko Kambara (University of Kitakyushu Center for Fundamental Education, Kitakyushu, Japan)
Dr. habil. Kaposi József,  PhD. (Pázmány Péter Catholic University Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Budapest, Hungary)
Prof. Dr. Kéri Katalin, DSc. (J. Selye University Faculty of Education)
Dr. habil. Miklós Péter, PhD. (University of Szeged Juhász Gyula Faculty of Education Department of Applied Social Sciences, Szeged, Hungary)
Prof. Tatsuya Nakazawa, PhD. (Tokaj University Faculty of Human Sciences, Tokyo, Japan)
Prof. PaedDr. Martin Pekár, PhD. (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Faculty of Arts, Košice Slovakia)
Prof. Dr. Tóth Péter, PhD. (J. Selye University Faculty of Education)
Dr. habil. Vajda Barnabás, PhD. (Journal Manager, J. Selye University, Faculty of Education)
Dr. Roy Weintraub (The Truman Research Institute and the Seymour Fox School of Education,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)
Prof. Pei-Jung Wang (Asia University Department of Physical Therapy, Wufeng, Taiwan)